Friday, 24 July 2009


First PresidencyImage by via Flickr

Finally, after 4 looooong years, we got a very important letter from the first presidency! We'd like to thank everyone who knew about this process and offered us support and love. Curious? haha!
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Friday, 10 July 2009

The Shack

'CoverCover of The Shack

A friend loaned me a book on Tuesday night after our Bible study. It was a book called 'The Shack'. I don't know if you've heard of it. I hadn't.

I finished it last night. It's not a particularly long book, but it's subject matter is quite heavy. It talks about redemption, forgiveness and our relationship with God in a fictional setting.

While I found that I disagreed on a doctrinal level with some of the ideas, I was able to enjoy it for what it was - a novel. It also provided me with some things to think about. Like, how my view of the world would change if my relationship with God was all it should be and He was at the centre of my life.

All in all, a very thought-provoking little book.
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Friday, 3 July 2009

Old people and nervous breakdowns

Hunter and PreyImage by cobalt123 via Flickr

Sometimes I love my job. Sometimes I hate it! For quite a small salary I have quite a responsible job which I certainly don't do for the money!
In addition to making sure all the tenants are ok and have what they need, I am responsible for the buildings and grounds. You know, making sure they're kept clean, tidy and in decent repair.
What I didn't know that I had signed up for was keeping my tenants sanity intact around our wee hunter - Sparky the cat! Bless, he is a very good hunter of our other furry visitors. He would catch them, play with them, kill them and bring them back to his owner like a wee trophy! Of course, his owner doesn't see the good side of this because she is terrified of any wee furry creature that's smaller than a cat!
So, this morning, I had to go and pick up my fourth dead rat. Oh the joys! This one was the biggest of them all and you could have heard my freaked out murmurings a mile off!
Thankfully, though, I got there before Sparky's owner or I'd be dealing with a nervous breakdown by now!
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